Saturday 14 January 2012

GOP Rep: Romney Will Fire People Starting With President Obama

mikegino ? January 10th, 2012 - 8:54 am

He also should cull at least 10% of the federal workforce on Day 1.

Sarsipious ? January 10th, 2012 - 8:57 am

Let's see ya win the primaries Mitt. If you can handle the heat that is being shot at you and the 4Million Newt is using on TV ads in South Carolina?then I think you will get a win. The vetting process should be hard.

ShawnSen ? January 10th, 2012 - 8:59 am

Just like the establishment GOP, to think it's their boy that wil be firing Obama


Romney can not rally against Obama and Obamacare because of OROMNEYCARE THAT IS A FACT

ShawnSen ? January 10th, 2012 - 9:00 am

Romney is declaring he will have dictorial powers when he gets into office We already have that now, we dont need to replace that with another

MR2 ? January 10th, 2012 - 9:03 am

and another 15% by the end of the year!

broadgauge ? January 10th, 2012 - 9:03 am

Did I hear this guy say 'Mitt Romney is a man of his word"?!!!! Hahahahaha??..

Narcissist Extremist ? January 10th, 2012 - 9:04 am

I don't care who wins, just get rid of Obama.

syvyn11 ? January 10th, 2012 - 9:05 am

Only 10%? I say 50% (excluding military and Law Enforcement).

blame_canada929 ? January 10th, 2012 - 9:06 am

Now Thats what Im talking about?And while youre at it Mitt, Do performance analysis on all those worthless "czars" and fire every single one of them accordingly!

syvyn11 ? January 10th, 2012 - 9:06 am

Only if the vetting process was hard for President Zero in 08.

foxxismylastname ? January 10th, 2012 - 9:07 am

Doesn't trump have an "infringement claim" here? How much was enough Loot Romney. Sure make millions but couldnt you have at least left a crumb on the table for the workers. Simple math; 30 million in, 160 million out. 160 mil ? 30 mil -20 mil for workers = 110 mil profit!
I love Capitalism and hard work and salaries based on merit but greedy a.holes make me sick.

ShawnSen ? January 10th, 2012 - 9:08 am

He used he "I looked into Putins eyes."" line
Then he uses the Obamabot line "I ran a great campain so Imma good leader"
LOL When you look into Romney's eyes you see a nervous stutterin liar

blame_canada929 ? January 10th, 2012 - 9:09 am

You could handle all the firings with a little tact?-For example: approach each "czar" with your pink slip tactfully hidden and say "Ive got some good news and some bad news! The good news is theres an opening on my cabinet and since youve proven yourself so worthy under the Obama administration, Youre the new cabinet appointee!!! The bad news is We have too many folks on my cabinet and youre fired!

IronTigersVet ? January 10th, 2012 - 9:19 am

Amen to that? considering there was Zero, for the Zero.

solgreatman ? January 10th, 2012 - 9:21 am

"You have my word..",when a politician says that you know its a lie.

DarthShatner ? January 10th, 2012 - 9:21 am

Thats about as accurate as Obama saying that Americans would love Obamacare, once he shoved it down our throat, right?

Missy8s ? January 10th, 2012 - 9:22 am

It'll eventually be everyone if President Downgrade remains in power?

Remember who wrote the "Patriot Act" and why, Joe Biden wrote it with Chuck Schumer in response to the Oklahoma City bombing.

The original would have outlawed gun ownership, the version that McCain helped to usher through the senate simply criminalizes criticism of this "president".

Wesley69 ? January 10th, 2012 - 9:25 am

WE THE PEOPLE will fire Obama. WE THE PEOPLE need to fire the Democrats in the Senate.

The Republican nominee if he wins the election needs to fire the Czars, all the executive agenciy heads and members, the head and members of the various departments. He needs to cut the federal workforce by not replacing those retiring. He needs to fire all unions that represent government workers.

Then, he needs to repeal with Congress, ObamaCare, the Frank-Dodd Finance Reform Bill, the Stimulus Bill of Obama.

He needs to wipe out all Executive Orders passed by Obama. He needs to repeal all the actions of the EPA and the NLRB as well and he needs to put forth proposals to create Energy Independence, to eliminate unnecessary government regulation on business.

He needs to fund the military as it should be, but reexamine strategy based upon the realities of what Obama has done. No pulling Obama's chestnuts out of the fire. He needs to get us back into space, not just for exploration, but also defense.

We can rise to the challenge, this is the ONLY hope I have witnessed! Mclame is a target for me, and I will be RINO hunting this next cycle, and we need to be the boot that escorts them all out!

hans_olo ? January 10th, 2012 - 9:34 am

We need SO much more than contrived, planned, guffaw-inspiring one-liners in a candidate. SO much more.

hans_olo ? January 10th, 2012 - 9:35 am

If only Ron Paul had been allowed to run you wouldn't have Obama today?or the next 4 years. You can't afford more mistakes.

quivive ? January 10th, 2012 - 9:37 am

If Romney boldly stated that ? he would start to convince me he would be the right hire for the job.

freedomliberty13 ? January 10th, 2012 - 9:43 am

Being able to "fire" is at the heart of freedom. If you don't like K-Mart, you can "fire" them and "hire" Target; if you don't like "United Airlines," you can "fire" them and hire "Soutwest," etc. If you don't like the DMV, who do you "fire?" If you don't like ObamaCare, who do you "fire?" (well, we can and will "fire" Obama, but it takes 4 years of misery to get there). If things go too far, it takes a costly war to "fire" a Hitler or Mussolini.

Unfortunately, too many people don't bother to look beyond sound bites. Look where it has brought us.

fastfacts ? January 10th, 2012 - 9:46 am


Good for Romney.

With all the other candidates, minus Santorum and Paul, attacking Capitalism, Romney is showing how much of a Conservative he is over the others, minus Paul and Santorum.

DarthShatner ? January 10th, 2012 - 9:55 am

"Yes we can" has become "Oh know you dint"

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