Friday 6 January 2012

Video: GOP candidates shift focus to N.H.

>>> thanks. now to politics and the gop presidential candidates shifting their focus to new hampshire with that state's primary just five days away . nbc's peter alexander is in sail 'em where mitt romney is holding a town hall meeting with voters. peter, good morning to you.

>> reporter: good morning you to. that town hall starts shortly. the campaign staff for rick santorum says for his part he raised more than a million dollars yesterday alone. that is significantly more than santorum has raised in the past several months. and mitt romney is again flexing his organizational and financial muscles with stops here in new hampshire and south carolina today where he'll campaign with the governor nikki haley .

>> that is the key to america and what made america the greatest country in the history of the world .

>> reporter: with just days to go before tuesday's new hampshire primary rick santorum has little time to waste trying to capitalize on his strong showing in iowa .

>> we're doing okay right now. and if the people in new hampshire give us a shot my guess is we'll do a lot better.

>> reporter: late wednesday in front of an energized crowd mitt romney joked about his eight-vote victory.

>> fresh from that huge landslide victory in iowa .

>> reporter: trying to translate the narrow win into new momentum.

>> talk about a squeaker. talk about a squeaker. do you think we can do a little better here in new hampshire ? maybe. yeah.

>> reporter: romney proudly highlighted the endorsement of john mccain with whom he was locked in a bitter fight four years ago. but mccain told nbc's chuck todd that's history.

>> these things when you're dealing with grown-ups you understand a great deal and you move on.

>> reporter: meanwhile former utah governor jon huntsman dismissed both the iowa results and the gop front-runner.

>> you can get all the doles and all the mccains in the world as romney probably will but in the end nobody cares .

>> reporter: newt gingrich is already stepping up his battle following a disappointing fourth place iowa finish. the former house speaker welcomed romney to the granite state with his full page ad, contrasting himself to the former massachusetts governor .

>> there is an enormous difference between somebody who spends their entire career as a reagan conservative and somebody who has spent their entire career as a massachusetts moderate.

>> reporter: the only woman in the race, michele bachmann , will make the trip here.

>> thank you. it's been a wonderful ride.

>> reporter: wednesday following her sixth place finish in iowa she dropped out.

>> i didn't try to spin you. i listened to the people of iowa and all across america and they agreed that president obama and his socialist policies must be stopped.

>> reporter: but for her former rival the campaign goes on. despite long days and little sleep.

>> we'll see you on the 10th of july -- june -- january. get out and vote.

>> reporter: and rick perry said after the iowa caucuses that he would head home to texas and decide whether to reassess his campaign. he has apparently done that and said he is staying put. surprising even members of his own staff. ann, it is significant because it could actually according to analysts help mitt romney if it continues to divide the conservative wing of the republican field.


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